Wednesday, August 31, 2005

My FiRsT SaLaRy!!!!

huahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......feel so relieved....after this few month..finally i can laugh...feel happy for got my first salary in the office..even though its not the big amount of money..but its means a lot to me..after 20 years old of my life..finally i can earn my own own leh...wah..feel a bit strange it REAL??wakaka... but one thing for i know how difficult is it for my parent to find some money to live..and i just wanna say thank u for my dad..i know he had done so much for me..even now i know i can't give him back anything..but for sure..i will do it someday...^-^
ok then..just really want to share my feeling..thank u also for u guys who still willing to read my crap...wakaka...enjoy life....ciiiiaaaaooooo

Monday, August 22, 2005

OnE mOre Try....

haven't write for long time huh!!..have been past so many things these few weeks...feel tired of everything..even to write my blog..:-(...but however..i have to be a bit strong huh!..its just part of this life....
ehmm i wrote in previous post..i do get the job...working there for about a week..and suddendly..i got another call from another company..and ask me to go for the work trial there..ahh really make me confused..if i go for the offer..i can't work again in the previous company..but then i do decided to try for the trial..because i think the company can give me better future there...since it is an advertising company(the previous one is a printing company)..i think i can learn more things there..but u know..its only a i will not sure whether i can get the job or not...but at the end i do choose to take the risk..i hope i will get the job......but....DAngGgg#$%$%^ things always will not happend as what u want it to be happend..i do not get the job...hixx...really a sad ending huh???
but..i know its not time for getting down...i now i have to call back the previous company and ask whether i can back to work or not?? yah...i can tell that the luck still wif me..the boss still give me a change and want me to get back to least i dont lost everything at the end!!...
ahh really life full of challenges...sometime i do feel really tired of everything..but it is ok to try more try...and i know i do have to work hard...
but there will be another thing that bother me...the work permit..ahh i really don't know whether i get the permit or not..if i don't get the permit...then everything will be useless...everything.....
but at the end..i just can let everything flow..just hope everything can be ok...and wish me luck when i get back to work^-^....
now..i do really miss my friends...cimon kuntet(my doggie)...lutu2...ahh really feel lonely here in spore..but just be strong dude....
me caaauuuu

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


ehmm yah just to be happy or sad??hihihi..yah today just go for second interview in the morning..then..receive phone call in the afternoon...I got the JOB!!..feel happy in the beginning..but then..just feel afraid of everything about the job...can i do what they want me to do??will I like the job??ahh really things just play around on my head..but thing for sure..there no more time for playing dude..ahh...its time for work..+_+
actually..feel excited about the job..i am gonna be learn more new things..more challenges..more fun..but sure...more stress..wakaka...
yah..just want to share my feeling.. and just wish me luck on my jobs ...^-^
me caauu...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


ahhh lg ma semuanya...pengen marah...pengen teriak........ahhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk............hiiixxxxxxx...seem no one care about me feel so really have no idea what is going wif me...all seem wrong...hixxxxx