Sunday, August 27, 2006

GirLz NiTe OuT....

Its Weekend..and its time to...EnjOy ThE FooD!!! there we go..going to The HOotErs Bar in Clarke Quay..and try their Chicken Wings...really like the surroundings around the Clarke Quay..since then its become our favorite place to hang out...^^ok back to Chicken we decided to try "Teriyaki Wings" and "Hot Wings"...order 20 pieces of it and we finished it off...huahahahah....however..the Teriyaki Wings taste nicer than the Hot Wings...and order some fries and fruits punch to go with the wings 2..^^

So..the wings suppose to be our dinner ha...but it turns out.. It’s just our appetizers...huahahahah..paid our bills and we head to another restaurant..hihihihi
at first..just want to try some we looking around for some good dessert..and we end up in this "tcc -the coffee connoisseur"..find a good spot to seat and enjoy ourself..and there you go..the menu book is in our hand..we suppose to look for DESSERT yo..but...DANGG$#$%%&&&*..we end up order the MAIN DISHES....huahahahahha...I order "Teriyaki Salmon" and its taste gooooodddd...hiihihi..but i hardly finished it..because i am sooo full...huahhahaha...

attached some pictures then..enjoy and have a good weekend out..^^

Round One...Chicken Wings^^



Round two...Teriyaki Salmon^^


Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Just read this article..This is for women actually, but men also can learn from it...because it works for both woman and man, only the writing is from a woman's point of view..hope can share it through this blog...^^


Message: Jika seorang wanita menangis
Itu berarti dia tak dapat menahannya lagi.....

Jika kamu memegang tangannya saat dia
Dia akan tinggal bersamamu sepanjang

Jika kamu membiarkannya pergi
Dia tidak akan pernah kembali lagi menjadi
yang dulu Selamanya....

Seorang wanita tidak akan menangis dengan
Kecuali didepan orang yang amat dia sayangi
Dia menjadi lemah....

Seorang wanita tidak akan menangis dengan
Hanya jika dia sangat menyayangimu
Dia akan menurunkan rasa egoisnya....

Jika seorang wanita pernah menangis
Tolong pegang tangannya dengan pengertian..

Dia adalah orang yang akan tetap bersamamu
Sepanjang hidupmu....

Jika seorang wanita menangis karenamu
Tolong jangan menyia-nyiakannya.....

Mungkin karena keputusanmu
Kau merusak kehidupannya....

Saat dia menangis didepanmu
Saat dia menangis karnamu

Lihatlah matanya....
Dapatkah kau lihat dan rasakan sakit yang

Wanita mana lagikah yang akan menangis
murni, penuh rasa sayang
Didepanmu dan karenamu......

Dia menangis bukan karena dia lemah
Dia menangis bukan karena dia menginginkan
simpati atau rasa kasihan

Dia menangis
Karena menangis dengan diam-diam tidaklah
memungkinkan lagi....

Pikirkanlah tentang hal itu
Jika seorang wanita menangisi hatinya
Dan semuanya karena dirimu....

Inilah waktunya untuk melihat apa yang telah
lakukan untuknya
Hanya kau yang tahu jawabannya....

Karena suatu hari nanti
Mungkin akan terlambat untuk menyesal
Mungkin akan terlambat untuk bilang MAAF

Wanita memang banyak di dunia..
tapi belum tentu ada yang benar2
seperti dirinya..

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Nice thought...^^

nerima bulletin board yg bagus2 just want to share with all of u..enjoy dech yah...:-)

Message: Ikuti langkah berikut ini, Tuhan
benar2 membuat keajaiban (ini berasal dari kutipan

1. Pertama, tunjukkan kedua telapak tangan anda,
jari tengah ditekuk ke dalam

2. Kemudian, 4 jari yang lain dari kedua telapak
pertemukan ujungnya.

3. Permainan dimulai, 5 pasang jari tetapi
hanya 1 pasang yang tidak terpisahkan.

4. Cobalah membuka ibu jari anda, ibu jari
mewakili orang tua,ibu jari bisa dibuka karena
semua manusia mengalami sakit dan mati.
Dengan demikian orang tua kita akan
kita suatu hari nanti.

5. Tutup kembali ibu jari anda, kemudian buka
jari telunjuk anda,
jari telunjuk mewakili kakak dan adik anda,
mereka memiliki keluarga sendiri, sehingga mereka
juga akan meninggalkan kita.

6. sekarang tutup kembali jari telunjuk anda,
buka jari kelingking, yang mewakili anak2.
cepat atau lambat anak2 juga akan
meninggalkan kita.

7. selanjutnya, tutup jari kelingking anda,
bukalah jari manis anda tempat dimana kita
menaruh cincin perkimpoian
anda, anda akan heran karena jari tersebut
sulit sekali dibuka, seakan2 tidak mau berpisah...
Karena jari manis mewakili
suami dan istri, selama hidup anda dan
pasangan anda akan terus melekat satu sama lain.

Real love will stick together ever and forever

Thumb represent parents
Second finger represent brothers & sisters
Centre finger represent own self
Fourth finger represent your partner
Last finger represent your children

KaCau SEh..Tp LuCu JG....^^

STRESS??? try this hope it will cheer u up ( sorry only Indonesian language)

Message: 1. kalo orang bilang kamu judes, sabar aja.
Kalo orang bilang kamu

reseh, senyumin aja. Tapi kalo ada orang
bilang kamu cakep,tonjok

aja tuh orang, karena itu FITNAH!!!

2. IF u need ADVICE, message me. If u need
FRIEND, call me. IF u need

HELP, e-mail me. If u need MONEY, nomor yg
anda tuju tidak dapat

Dihubungi.terima kasih

3. Seorang nenek yang nyebrang jalan hampir
ketabrak motor.

Pengendara motor marah : "Nenek bego!
Nyebrang jalan gak liat2!"

Nenek sewot : "Lo yg bego!! Nabrak nenek-
nenek aja gak kena..!!"

4. Hasil survey membuktikan bahwa 99% cewe
milih cowo karena punya

wibawa :

wii...BAWA mobil sport, wii...BAWA uang

wii...BAWA handphone 10 jt, wii...BAWA
credit card, wi...BAWA

body guard!!!!

5. Seorang tukang roti ditabrak metro mini,
lalu polisi datang dan

bertanya,"ada apa Pak??" Si tukang roti
yang uda sekarat menjawab,

"ada nanas, keju,coklat, dan mocca.."

6. Saat kau sedih tak satupun yang menyadari
kesedihanmu. Saat

bahagia tak satupun melihat senyumu. Tapi
saat kau kentut, semau

menoleh kepadamu.MENYEDIHKAN SEKALI...;

7. Suatu malam BRAD PITT ke diskotik. Temen2
ga sabar bujuk

dia supaya ikut goyang.:

"Ayo, goyang dong Brad! Goyang dong Brad!

Dari situ lah lagu GOYANG DOMBRAT tercipta

8. Selamat! Anda mendapatkan kado dari
DIGITAL LG. Pilih kado

berikut ini :

1. DIGI-LAS mobil 2. DIGI-LING truk 3.
DIGI-RING polisi

4. DIGI-GIT anjing

9. When i see baby, i remember "TEDDY BEAR
DOLL". When i see a

little girl, i remember "BARBIE DOLL". But
when i see u, i

remember "PANADOL" ..

10. Orang AMERIKA kentut bilang EXCUSE ME.
Orang British kentut

bilang PARDON ME. Orang SINGAPOREkentut
bilang I'M SORRY. Kalo

Orang Indonesia kentut, pasti bilang NOT

Sunday, August 13, 2006

BeFore...&... AFteR

New HaiR CuT....NeW Me....&..NeW BegiNninG....

Have decided to do something with my hair...Need it some changes though...^=^
So..decided to have hair cut..and decided to try one of the japanese salons in ISETAN..have it's own japanese director to cut my hair,and its turn out..he hardly speak "english" we kinda using "you know..I know" language...hihihihihi..but in the end.. its turn out...I LIKE IT SO MUCH...huahahahaha...=)thanks to MR.SOGA..hihiihi..(nb: he so funny when he speak english with that japanese accent..huahahahah)
even though its a bit short..but..hey..long time already don't feel how to have a short hair...and it feel good...hihihihi...attached some picture of me..before..and after...enjoy....hahahaha...


AfTer you all think?? am i look better in my old hair style..or my new hair style??hihihihihihi....

have a good one out...^-^

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Now, everyone...let's talk about love...^^ since this is a really "top-rated" feeling that we all been confused about... in this post i attached a Quotes that helped me get through a tough moment in my life once… It makes me feel stronger and not lonely..because I feel..someone..somewhere…feel the same way as what I feel now.. hope i can share it through this blog to everyone who need it... ^^

i, myself really appreciate love...i'm an idealistic person who seek true love... the question is, what is true love? How can you know that the person in front of you is your true love, and you are his/her true love? The thing is, i think, there is someone that meant for each of us for God has given the chance for us to meet each other and fall in love, but it depends on our commitment and our willingness to give and to take that can make that fate works...

And if that failed once, will there be any other chance? Yes, there will be other chance if BOTH LOVE still around... plus extra willingness to understand and respect for each other's feelings during the healing process... because LOVE is strong yet can be broken because of that failure and to truly LOVE is to understand be in LOVE is to respect this...knowing that a broken love can only be healed by the LOVE itself... and showing the LOVE through caring and understanding is the BEST way to EXPRESS your LOVE...

Please read through these quotes carefully then you'll find the meanings behind it very usefull:

-There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

- A Friend's Love says:
" If you ever need anything,
I'll be there."
True Love says:
" You'll never need anything;
I am here."

- Love is so very special
Yet can make you feel so lost
It can arrive just like the springtime
And melt away like morning frost

Mistakes are bound to happen
You may hurt each other's heart
Yet don't give up to easily
It will tear your love apart

"Don't Cry Over Someone That Won't Cry Over You"

"No Guy Is Worth Your Tears & When You Find The One That Is He Won't Make You Cry"

"If You Really Love Something Set It Free.
If It Comes Back It's Yours, If Not It Wasn't Meant To Be"

"Some Day You'll Cry For Me Like I Cried For You,
Some Day You'll Miss Me Like I Missed You,
Some Day You'll Need Me Like I Needed You,
Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You"

"Time will make you forget me but time will make me love you more than before."

"If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will."

"Forget who hurt you yesterday,
But don't forget who loves you tenderly today."

"Love can make you happy but often times it hurts,
but love is only special when you give it to who its worth."

"The hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye."

"Moving on is simple, it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult"

"I dont miss him, I miss who I thought he was"

" There are times when I cant decide whether to see you or not, I want to see you because I miss you but there are times when I dont want to see you because everytime I do, the fact that you dont see me the way that I see you hurts me even more ... "

"The weirdest thing happened the other morning...I woke up with tears in my eyes...and one rolling down my cheek...and I knew I must have been dreaming of you again."

"I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there, I'm not supposed to wonder where you are and what to do, I'm sorry I can't help myself, I'm in love with you."

"You're not worth the tears, you're not worth the heartache. I don't know why I give you the time. You're not worth the pain, you're not worth the emptiness. I don't know why I wish you were mine. "

" One day you'll ask me, "which is more important to you, me or your life" I'll say, "My life" and you'll go and leave me with out knowing that you are my life... "

"I'm sorry for crying over you, because I said I wouldn't. But I didn't promise you that, because I knew it would be a promise I would never be able to keep. "

"It takes a couple seconds to say Hello, but forever to say Goodbye. "
"Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him. "

" Love is a precious gift that people try to hold onto until the end of time, even when there is nothing left to hold. "

" Never Say" I love you "if you don't really care, never talk about feeling if they
aren't really there. Never hold my hand if you're going to break my heart. Never say
you're to, if you never plan to start. Never look into my eyes if all you do is lie.
Never say hello, if you really mean goodbye. If you really mean forever, then say
you will try. Never say forever ' cause forever makes me cry. "

"You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh,
but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry."

"Sometimes in love you must accept the fact that what makes the person
you cared about happy might on the other hand leave you so lonely."

"Love is just a word till someone you meet gives it a meaning."

"A love so pure and true will never die...
it lives in the depth of your heart until the end of time."

"The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you love them."

"If she is the first thing you think of when you wake up, the only thing you think of when you're awake, and the last thing you think of before you go to bed, then she is really somebody special."

"You know you love someone when you cannot put into words how they make you feel."

"A Million Words Would Not Bring You Back,
I Know Because I've Tried.
Neither Would A Million Tears,
I Know Because I've Cried."

"How Can You Be Friends With Someone If Everytime You Look At Them It Makes You Want Them Even More?"

"Its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone if your heart still does."

“Sometimes it's hard to love someone because you're so afraid of losing them"

"The hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up."

"There is one pain I often feel which you will never know because it is caused by the absence of you."

"Who do you turn to when the only person who can stop you from crying is the one who is making you cry?"

"I understand that with loves comes pain, but why did i have to love so much?"

"The part that hurts me the most, is knowing that I once had you and then lost you..."

"The worst feeling in the world is giving all the love you have and knowing it will never be returned."

"Its hard to pretend you love someone when you don't but its harder to pretend that you don't love someone when you really do."

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

Never say goodbye when you still want to try.
Never give up when you still feel that you can take it.
Never say you no longer love a person when you can't let go..

The part that hurts me the most,
is knowing that I once had you and then lost you..

If u all have more quotes and willing to add it, do not hesitate to post comments and everything... also if u want to tell me your opinion about love, or any other thoughts about my blog, i will appreciate it at most... thank u all ^^


Hellooowww!! It's been quite long time since i updated my blog...:p By the way, i have a topic for discussion today.. It’s about regret.. i believe for once in our life, we've been so eager to change the past, to be able to turn back time, which we all knew it's impossible.. so we moved on with our lives along with some feeling of emptiness... and try not to remember the pain in the past.

I think that's the power of human kind, because we still can manage our present life well although we still have the hole in the past, maybe because we have so many people around us and support us, but unfortunately very small amount of people can do this.. The others fall down to the ground and not able to recover.. We don't want to fall down, rite?

i also don't want to be haunted by the past and so i decided to move on even though it is hurt and tough.. and i just take it as a precious experience to face the future, because i've done my best to fix it and if it didn't work, then maybe it's not mine to change.

Many books say time heals everything, and i think that's true indeed. People can let go the past along with the time which passed through them.. Many people who have had bad experience in the past can live their lives even better than they think they could, because the experience they got have been the best teacher and matured them.

Then we need not to regret the past at least we've more experience then anybody who didn't experienced it. The most important thing is, it's true we, ourselves, had all the pain and still have it, but at least we didn't hurt anybody else and that's enough to not regret the past. Let's move on to a better life, pals!! ^^