Monday, September 18, 2006

OraNge CryStal CaKe

Its been a busy week last week...have no time to update++my weekend end up i slept the whole day cause of the cough and flu...hixxx..but hey.. it didn't screwed the whole weekend ..hihihi..cause since I stay at I have time to try some baking….yeaaahhh..actually I have been planning to baked since 2 weeks ago…hihihihi…so here we go…my sis and I decided to bake “Orange Crystal Cake”

--OraNge CryStaL CaKe--

Ingredients: (For Sponge Cake) –Diameter 8 x 8 inches
Optima Flour--200g
Vanilla Essence--½ teaspoon

Agar Agar--1 packet
Orange Juice--50 ml
Water--650 ml
Fruit Cocktail--1 can
Mandarin Orange--1 can

Egg white--85 ml (2-3 eggs)
Coconut Cream--1 packet (small pack)
Water--250 ml
Agar Agar--1 packet
Milk--100 ml


--Combine flour and eggs, beat till creamy (8-10 minutes)--

--Pour the dough into the tin with diameter 8 x 8 inches and bake for 20 minutes at 150 degree--

-- Take the sponge cake from the tin and let it set --


Agar Agar ++++

Mix Fruit

--Boil agar-agar, sugar and water add mix fruits.(Dont't use the syrup from cocktail and Mandarin Orange)--
--Pour jelly 1/2cm into the 10 inches tin and let it set--
--Pour the fruit into balance jelly--

--Pour jelly with fruit into the tin and let it set--

--Put the sponge cake into the middle of the tin with jelly and fruit--

--Boil together water, sugar,agar2, milk and coconut cream--
--Beat egg whites, add 1tbs of sugar, till stiff, add 1 tbs orange essence--
--Add in agar2 mixture into beated egg white, mix well (do it while it's hot)--
--Pour the agar2 mixture to the tin and cover the whole cake--

--yeahhh..the finish product^^--

i attached some its easy to imagine how was the process are..hihihihi.. it is clear enough??i think it will be no problem for u guys to try the's easy though..and of course..DELICIOSO...hihihihi...have a good one caaauuuu

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Aduh pengen ngepost pake bahasa indo niq...hehehe..adh seminggu ini bener2 sibuk..dan cape bgt...ini aja baru malem2 gini bisa just a quick update dech yah..^^

last friday..bos gua baru ngebeliin comp baru niq...will attach some pictures..ini compnya MAC..iMAC..20 inch..with wireless keyboard and mouse..adh keren bgt...akhirnya setelah gua nunggu selama kurang lebih 2 bos akhirnya mau jg beliin comp baru..(*comp yg lama yg gua pake udh sekarat dan ga bs dipake lg)

btw..ini jg ga bisa dibilang comp baru sih..soalnya ini bisa dibilang second hand...jd sebenernya dia belinya tuh dr supplier yg sebenernya beli second hand mac dr APPLE nya...diblg second hand soalnya org pertama yg beli dr APPLE nya ngereturnin macnya soalnya ada masalah gt...nah nih org ternyata ada koneksi ma org dalem APPLE..makanya dia bs dapetin tuh barang..soalnya skrg ini kan susah bgt buat ngedapetin APPLE second hand gt..yah rare bgt dech..nah..nih org sendiri punya company buat service gua rasa sih ga ada masalah..soalnya dia nawarin harga yg reasonable bgt...bos gua ngebeli iMAC ini cuma $1700 doank...yg mana kl dipasaran skrg harga tuh iMAC bs $ price kan?? and i think it still in good condition kok..hihihihi....

FrOnt View

ToP vIeW

so...gmn..keren kan???adh i hope i get one on my own in the future...hiixxx..sososo..anybody interested??gua masih nyimpen kartu namanya niq..huahahaah...

ok dech enjoy your weekend and have a good one caaauuuuuu...^^

Saturday, September 02, 2006

I Got My PR AppRoveD..^^^

YeaHHhhhh...just a quick update...just got the letter from Immigration & Checkpoints Authority Of Singapore...anddd....It’s written...CONGRATULATIONS....Your application for PR(Permanent Residence) has been approved...hihihih...ohh yeaahhh..Its just make me feel happy.. One of good news after all the bad things happened this couple of….enjoy and have a good one..^^